Connecting Theory and Application of Optoelectronic Devices  
Conference | Software | Services


Sept. 14 -18, 2009

Front Page

Scope & Topics

Chairs & Committees

Conference Venue

Invited Talks


Author Information

Paper Submission

Journal Issue

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Journal Issue

A Special Issue of Optical and Quantum Electronics will provide the opportunity for NUSOD'09 authors to publish an expanded version of their paper (sample, instructions, Word and LaTeX templates). The submission deadline for journal contributions is October 5, 2009.

Please use the online submission system and make sure to select the article type "NUSOD2009" for your submission. The recommended page limit is 10 pages for contributed papers and 15 pages for invited papers, incl. figures and references (Text: 12 point Times New Roman with single-spaced lines; Page margins: top - 5.5cm, bottom - 4.5cm, left & right - 4cm). Longer papers will be considered but the editors reserve the right to ask the authors to shorten those where the length is not appropriate for the content.

Only papers presented at the conference are eligible, including post deadline papers. All journal submissions will be subject to an additional review process and acceptance by the journal is not guaranteed.  The Guest Editors for this issue are

Eugene Avrutin, University of York, UK (Primary Guest Editor)
Gwyn Jones, University of California, USA
Mauro Pereira, Sheffield Hallam University, UK
Jayanta Sarma, University of Bath, UK
Lu Wei, Shanghai Institute of Technical Physics, China
Slawek Sujecki, University of Nottingham, UK

Please direct all questions regarding this journal issue to the Primary Guest Editor Eugene Avrutin.



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RSoft Design Group

Crosslight Software
Gwangju CVB
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